Latest Updates
04/02/12 - Launched the Hall of Fame
03/29/12 - Added more Field Trips to the World Map. Look for the blue markers!
07/21/11 - Added more photos!
01/19/11 - Added more Field Trips to the World Map. Look for the blue markers!
12/18/10 - Updated the home page and working on new system to tie the blog and world map together.
08/24/09 - Added trip to Kauai, Hawaii.
07/03/09 - Added trip to San Francisco.
06/09/09 - Pardon the Dust, Reworking Site. Check the blog for updates.
11/24/08 - New Locations and Pictures on the Big Island of Hawaii
09/07/08 - Field trips added to Percy's Map. Marked with a blue marker.